Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Astronesia -National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to develop innovative tiles which have anti-radiation. The tiles are made ​​with household waste material is later paired up on the space shuttle as a radiation shield or other supporting space missions.

Reported Ctvnews, Sunday (01/06/2013), the astronauts will be able to coat their residence in space with food wrappers.
NASA is now testing project involving the development of tiles made ​​of garbage.

Developed by NASA Ames Research Center, round-shaped tiles made ​​from this waste is made ​​and has d i compression with the roller yan has a high heat.
This garbage melting process without the need to burn it with fire.

NASA explains, this tile has a diameter of 20 centimeters and approximately one centimeter thick.
The tile is composed of plastic water bottles, pieces of clothing, duct tape and foil pouch drinks.

All of these materials are combined together in a single tile.
Researchers at the Kennedy Space Center Florida work to determine whether the tile is safe to be stored on the space shuttle.

When safe, then these tiles can be used to protect astronauts from harmful radiation in space.
Therefore, exposure to solar radiation in space is believed to cause diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (syndrome associated brain cells).

By: Ichsan Salman

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